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Unearthing "From the River to the Sea" in the B...
In this captivating episode of "Holy Land in the Holy Text," the podcast delves into the profound significance of the biblical phrase "From the River to the Sea" in relation...
Unearthing "From the River to the Sea" in the B...
In this captivating episode of "Holy Land in the Holy Text," the podcast delves into the profound significance of the biblical phrase "From the River to the Sea" in relation...

Land of Israel - Mystical Paradox - Source of B...
The land of Israel carries a mystical paradox that has intrigued and fascinated scholars, historians, and spiritual seekers for centuries. Renowned as a source of both blessings and curses, it...
Land of Israel - Mystical Paradox - Source of B...
The land of Israel carries a mystical paradox that has intrigued and fascinated scholars, historians, and spiritual seekers for centuries. Renowned as a source of both blessings and curses, it...

Why you can only understand God's teachings in ...
The 'sacred boundaries of the Land of Israel' mentioned in the Torah is not merely geographical. It is symbolic of a spiritual realm where one can genuinely connect with the...
Why you can only understand God's teachings in ...
The 'sacred boundaries of the Land of Israel' mentioned in the Torah is not merely geographical. It is symbolic of a spiritual realm where one can genuinely connect with the...

What makes the Land of Israel spiritually sensi...
In the first episode of our podcast, we will lay the groundwork for our exploration into the Holy Land, known today as the Land of Israel. We look at the first...
What makes the Land of Israel spiritually sensi...
In the first episode of our podcast, we will lay the groundwork for our exploration into the Holy Land, known today as the Land of Israel. We look at the first...

GOD’S WAR: Israel vs Amalek. Israel vs. Hamas.
GOD’S WAR: Israel vs Amalek. Israel vs. Ham@s. The nation of Israel and the nation of Amalek are fighting an eternal battle. The battle is a euphemism for the war...
GOD’S WAR: Israel vs Amalek. Israel vs. Hamas.
GOD’S WAR: Israel vs Amalek. Israel vs. Ham@s. The nation of Israel and the nation of Amalek are fighting an eternal battle. The battle is a euphemism for the war...

Sarah's Burial: Eternal connection between the ...
The story of Sarah's burial is much more than a historical event. It is a symbol of the divine promise and an assertion of the eternal bond between the Jewish...
Sarah's Burial: Eternal connection between the ...
The story of Sarah's burial is much more than a historical event. It is a symbol of the divine promise and an assertion of the eternal bond between the Jewish...